The Importance of Personality Traits in Driving

The driver is a high-risk factor in the transportation system (driver – mode of transportation – traffic environment). One of the causes is the driver's distinct and irreplaceable personality.

Because each personality is unique, finding a standard technique of measuring the driver's personality that can reflect the specific aspects of each personality suitable for driving is challenging. Only the characteristics that are typically advantageous and hazardous for a driver's personality may be recognized. From the standpoint of traffic psychology, two such classifications are provided below. Call for a professional driver Dubai!

Becoming a safe driver entails staying attentive, paying attention to the road conditions, and being prepared to respond at any time. Read on for suggestions on keeping everybody safe on the road, whether you're an experienced, elderly, or novice driver, a passenger, a bike rider, or a pedestrian.

Who is a risky driver?

The personality traits of a bad – dangerous – driver must be expressed in order to define the main features required for determining the techniques of selection of acceptable candidates qualified to drive a vehicle.

The attitude of drivers can be used to conceptualize the link between personality qualities and unsafe driving. The attitudes of dangerous drivers are primarily concerned with issues such as adherence to road laws, a proclivity to take risks in traffic jams, and favourable attitudes toward traffic jams. Positive views about road violence, according to West and Hall, are substantial predictors of traffic accidents.

Road accident perpetrators are typically unstable, outgoing, less suited persons with lower IQ and violent tendencies. Individuals more susceptible to risky behavior (particularly those who have been immature) frequently demonstrate little responsibility toward others and a fails to live up forecast, seek situation - specific enthusiasm and excursions, like to advertise themselves in front of others, and demonstrate false self-confidence and a need to reimburse for their sense of inferiority. According to one study, novice drivers underestimate the hazards associated with a variety of driving conditions.

Mental instability, maladaptivity, self-absorption with overly high self-esteem, hypersensitivity, irritation, intolerance, impatience, and persistent discontent are all regarded contraindications to driving. Other such characteristics involve timidity or, on the direct contrast, carelessness, reckless behaviour, irresponsibility, the refusal to imagine the consequences of one's actions, a loss of self, overt antisocial attitudes, a powerful need to assert oneself, aggressiveness, and poor feelings toward one's own and others' safety. Get a Safe driver in Dubai!

To prevent the error of the human component in road traffic, special attention must be paid to the aforementioned features in psychological testing and driver selection. As mentioned in this article, the driver's personality includes a number of variables that may be suggestive of dangerous behavior.

These potential factors are activated when specified situational elements are present. As a result, it is advised that driver testing and selection take into account the environment of the driver's performances and focus on the character qualities that are important in the current situational context.
